

DSCN1912_0194 I am what you would call a Serendipity Artist. I love to work in a large variety of mediums and styles. Creating to me IS art, so everything is a potential art project waiting to happen. I have worn many hats during my 24 plus years of art experience. Designer, Artist, Craftsperson, Vendor, Mentor and Teacher. I have sold items to customers from coast to coast in the US, Hawaii, Canada and England. It has been a very enjoyable experience as I love meeting people through my art.

Thank you for allowing me to share some of my Art Bliss with you!

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Carolee, so nice meet you and be inspired by your beautiful studios and artistic creations. Hopefully I will be able to create more and work less over the next few years. I have an Instagram page that I post a few of our hikes and some projects if you are interested called, mossyknits.

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